By dagreatpumpkin - 02/10/2012 18:48 - United States

Today, someone stole the massive pumpkin I've been painstakingly growing all year. What did they do with it? They put it in the middle of a busy intersection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 680
You deserved it 2 068

dagreatpumpkin tells us more.

The pumpkin was for a contest. It weighed in at over 500 LBS. No-one was hurt by it being in the intersection, only vehicle damage. Cuplrits have been found and charged with Meyham, 2 counts of Grand Theft (one for the pumpkin, and one for a forklift), Criminal Trespass, and Vandalism. Cinderella, didn't make it to the ball.

Top comments

LilFlutter 10

Wow, nice job on growing the pumpkin! So sorry that some idiotic jerks stole it (and your possible win) from you!

iCherryPanda 12

Well that's not only mean, but dangerous too. Jerks. Sorry OP! Maybe next year!


*Boom* what was that, " Oh it was just a pumpkin."

KiddNYC1O 20

Don't even bother if weighs less than 1600 pounds.

I guess now you'll have to settle with squash

Alright, Michelle Tanner, its time to leave the comments to the adultz. (jk)

What I don't understand is how someone got away with walking down the street with a huge pumpkin

ideasrule 13

Here's a tip for you: whenever someone's carrying something big and/or important-looking, everyone thinks they have a reason for doing so.

General Question: You see a guy with a forklift with a 500 pound pumpkin on it, Are you stopping him and asking him "Are you supposed to do that?" No.

raraisbang 12

I don't see the humor in this at all. There's nothing funny or awesome about a car crash.

they just wanted everybody to see your hard work so they just put it somewhere where everybody could admire it