By anonymous - 24/11/2015 19:38 - Switzerland - Unterageri

Today, something must be wrong with me. Last night, my dick went limper than overcooked spaghetti while in my wife's mouth, yet today I popped a massive boner that you could hammer nails with, while cutting the grass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 116
You deserved it 3 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could be environmental. nothing to do with you. take your wife to the great outdoors for some nature rumbling/tumbling.


TMO2142 25

Happens to pretty much every guy at some point (the loss of an erection during sexy time...not the erection from mowing grass)

Today and last night are completely different, dumbass

jazzybaby179 22

-op moans- Mmmm that grass looks mighty fine nice and cut ;p

jenn2119 9

that's why they call it a prick lol