By Customer Stonage Representative - 21/10/2011 12:10 - Canada

Today, still suffering from an eye infection, I received a customer complaint. Having red eyes, asking how a patron's day went, and thanking them as they left my register obviously means that I must be stoned out of my mind. Apparently I've moved to a city where you must be on drugs if you're nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 861
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

i thought canadians were supposed to be nice.

YdoIhaveAchode 4

Seems like you're mentally unstable..


I thought Canadians were cool with the whole weed thing? Must just be a stereotype :p

leadman1989 15

Lesson learned. Get shades/eye drops, and say GTFO instead. They'll appreciate that. :)

phoenixslayer69 4

Depends on provance and how much you have.

At first I thought you said cannibals.

They will still take it from you in Ontario. You can have up to a 20 bag on you and not get charge with anything, but they take it away from you if you're caught with it. Alot of times cops here will just take whatever you have even if it is more, mostly so they can smoke it themselves.

Thankyou for pointing that out captain obvious, have a nice day. Regards, General sarcasm

I can't relate but I live Canada and there are alot of assholes

To be honest if your eyes are still red enough to make you looked stoned from your infection, you shouldn't be at work. Feel better though!