By financially_wreckd - 21/12/2014 00:53

Today, thanks to some asswipe drunk driver fleeing the cops the wrong way down a one-way street, I've now had my third wreck this year. My insurance premium's now higher than Bob Marley in a weed factory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 536
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This last accident wasn't your fault so you shouldn't have your rates increased because of it. Fight it. I don't know about your other 2 so can't comment on those.

poppunkette 22

How the hell can you have 3 accidents in one year? But yeah cause the guy was drunk it's not your fault they shouldn't raise your insurance.


hahahaha...weed factory...never heard of one of those! LOL :)

wrong. if someone else is at fault you wont experience higher rates