By ohhelllllno - 20/04/2009 10:05 - Canada

Today, the $300 ring my boyfriend gave me for my birthday slipped off my finger... into the toilet. I had to sift through my own poo to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 195
You deserved it 19 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today my girlfriend told me the ring she thinks cost me $300 fell in the toilet and she fished it out. It was $5 at a garage sale. FHL"


That sucks! Don't ever kiss the ring!

catanita 18

You could have put a plastic bag over your hand. Problem solved.

This is why i always take my ring off before using the toilet!!

I hope you washed your hands after that.

cheesy_wotsit 20

At least it was your own poop, and not someone else's!

hoosiergirl94 31

How does a ring just fall off

At least it was your own... And hopefully you were at home...