By ohhelllllno - 20/04/2009 10:05 - Canada

Today, the $300 ring my boyfriend gave me for my birthday slipped off my finger... into the toilet. I had to sift through my own poo to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 195
You deserved it 19 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today my girlfriend told me the ring she thinks cost me $300 fell in the toilet and she fished it out. It was $5 at a garage sale. FHL"


Well then. At least you'll have something funny to talk about.

well look at the bright side, at least its was ur poo and not someone else's that would have been waaaaaaaaay worse

Your boyfriend should've at least asked you what size ring you wear so it wouldn't slip off. =P Just kidding. I've had the same thing happen before.

I would have flushed it. that is disgusting.

At least it was your poo and not someone else's. But ewww!

Why do Women always have to say the price of jewellery they get from their partners ? I just don't get it !!

If your boyfriend paid 300 dollars for a ring, then he must've (unless its from a garage sale or a pawn shop) bought it at a store that will size your ring to your finger to prevent this from happening. YDI for not getting it sized. The only excuse you could have is if you had just gotten it that day.

well since its at sure u got like a plastic bag...

I think it was very admirable and selfless of you. I hope your BF realizes you're a keeper.