By silverstar189 - 01/01/2010 15:41 - United States

Today, the 6 year old girl I was babysitting asked me, "Why are you so ugly? Are you an alien? Because aliens are about as ugly as you are." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 251
You deserved it 4 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Breeneefml12 0

No offense but little kids speak the truth.


Honestly you shouldn't let other people's comment validate you. When she asked why you're so ugly, perhaps she saw the inner quality of you as being ugly. So you should fix that up. Perhaps the child overheard you saying something to mom and someone mistranslated it. So you shouldn't let it get to you.

depressedgamer 0

Thats Epic! You should've punched the little girl! YLS

Kids are smarter than you think. They don't always tell the truth. You will find some that know how to get on your nerves and really push the limits. None the less the kid is only 6, teach her some manners before its too late!

wow, so many people said "YDI for being ugly" without even having met me. true, i guess i am ugly but probably wouldn't be without my braces xD. and besides, i can't help being 'ugly' anyway and i don't want a makeover or plastic surgery because i can't afford

its_shrimpage 0

lol i bet you feel a whole lot more insecure about yourself because of these people. i am so sorry you are constantly being insulted after having posting an FML about your appearance. It hurts :[ but as cliche as it sounds, it's what inside that counts. i just want to remind you because obviously you think of yourself as ugly but of course you're not. no one is ugly. it's just a matter of opinions. it's never the truth. if you see yourself as ugly, how do you expect others to look at you otherwise? and i really hope you dont get a plastic surgery or some kind of extreme makeover when you grow up. because everyone looks beautiful the way God has provided them :/ why change it? I don't know that's just my two cents. Sorry about all these commentors judging you without even having seen your face. that's extremely insensitive of them. but stay strong woman! you're beautiful no matter what they say or little kids. Happy New Year :]

Silverstar, please try to ignore all of the 'YDI because you're ugly'. As you said, they haven't seen you, and if they ever do, they might turn out to be pleasantly surprised. I don't usually call anyone 'ugly', because for all I know, I might be as equally unattractive AS them to other people. But as Shrimpage said, you've got a beautiful character, and you're a lot more calm about it than other people would be, by not getting angry and screeching at everyone who said YDI. You're probably a very pretty girl, who didn't take any shit from the girl you were babysitting, and she got upset because of it. :]

...I just realised how much of a shrink I sounded. Oh well. ._. Insomnia messes with you I guess :[

People can be so rude over the internet just because it's not to their face!I posted an FML a few days ago (cropped out of a photo) and people were saying "YDI bc you're a bitch!" I'm really not lol. I'm sorry people were so rude. I bet you're gorgeous. :3

finally a nice comment!!!!! thank you!!!!! :)

:] Np. ♥ & if she says anything like that again, tell her you're going to burn her favourite teddy, and lock her in a cupboard if she doesn't apologise. :D Although, I have to agree with someone else. It DOES sound as if she's said it because you outsmarted her/didn't let her have her own way. If it was worded more or less like that, then she probably didn't mean it. Plus, as other people have said, even if she DID mean it (& I doubt it), I'm sure there will be plenty of people out there who will think you're beautiful. :]

omgitsjackiee 0
Ak30 5

You should have told her that Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Great Pumpkin are totally fake, and that her real parents gave her up for adoption. That would just about even the score.

zash_fml 0

this made me cry i said it at my dogs best friends funeral....:( every one was touched and half the family went and jumped off a bridge,,,,and got crabs