By silverstar189 - 01/01/2010 15:41 - United States

Today, the 6 year old girl I was babysitting asked me, "Why are you so ugly? Are you an alien? Because aliens are about as ugly as you are." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 261
You deserved it 4 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Breeneefml12 0

No offense but little kids speak the truth.


Kids are annoying and stupid, why do you care what they think?

This is true. Hell, nobody even cares what YOU think.

"From the mouths of babes". Sorry lady, perhaps you should consider elective surgery.

Her comment was offensive and uncalled for. Not all aliens are ugly!

r8j20cm3lv 5

dude its a six year old you're going all like my life is f'ed up well if you believe six year olds telling you you're ugly then you just ignore it

BRiANNE123 0

it bugs me when kids say mean stuff cuz u can't say anything mean back.

Oh you are so ******* wrong... It is obvious your kids will end up pregnant, clogging the court system, and in prison. FYL.

What a mouth! But she might be wrong. There´s this person of who I thought was pretty when I was smaller. Fact is, she actually isn´t. Might be the other way around here. Maybe she defines people as pretty who have dark eyelashes, long hair, blue eyes or something like that.

Aw! Don't listen to her. Little kids always say things like that. One little girl called me mustache girl. I was really upset, but it turns out she was referring to the fake mustache I had to wear for a play. Little kids don't always know what beauty is; when I was little, I thought that Marilyn Monroe was ugly...Plus, a lot of the time, kids call you ugly just to try it out. Maybe she was insulted at school that day, and wanted to make someone else feel bad. Who knows?

when i was 5 i called my mom fat (in my language) not because she was, but because i wanted to use the word since it's an interesting word to say. Also, my mother is larger than my (skinny) father, so i figured she would be the most appropriate. yeah that wasn't the smartest decision though.... but yeah there's my little kid thought process.

you shoulda told her if she keeps runnin her little mouth your gonna deck her ass with a frying pan and make her look just like you.... you gotta teach that little shit a lesson