By Anonymous - 17/07/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, the airport security guard told me to lift my fat rolls so he could finish patting me down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 661
You deserved it 47 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Time to do some good ol' fashion exercise... Put your hands up to the ceiling, bend your knees, and touch your toes. Do your daily exercises, you're gonna look like skin and bone. :)

Were you too big to fit through the metal detector too?


Even if the OP isn't suffering from a disease that's contributing to her weight, you need to be polite. You should never be mean to anyone. We're all human, and we all have our own burdens to bear. There are many who eat a lot, but some of them don't have a high enough metabolism/enough opportunities to exercise to keep it from showing. Nobody here is free from a personal challenge, embarrassing secret, and/or addiction. It's also harder to lose the weight if you have a lot because it's extra weight and strain on your body. You'd be to "lazy" to exercise too if you had extra weight. Just because someone's is fat does not mean he/she is lazy. Stop berating the OP for one flaw she has made apparent when she probably has many qualities that make her a great person. Sorry for writing a short essay, but I felt so bad for the OP after reading the comments.

Have yous ever thought that maybe it is hard to lose weight? No one deserves to be called names. You's are all just a bunch of judgmental pricks. You's are the reason why our society is ******. You's may think commenting those rude things is funny but it's not, some people for a fact end up with things like depression and anxiety I hope you's are happy :)

This was obviously uncomfortable and akward, but he was just doing his job. People have actually been hiding things in fat suits or fat flaps. He had to make sure you were okay.

I feel so sorry for u it must of been so embarrassing