By hellokitty133 - 30/09/2011 01:56 - United States

Today, the boys who sit at my math table decided it would be funny to throw broken pencils at my boobs to see if they were real. They did this the entire class period. I have to work with this group for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 003
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick em in the nuts and see if they're real.

Tell them that's the closest they'll ever get to ****.


Um- someone would have 1 time to throw a pencil at my boobs- before I grabbed that pencil and shoved it up their ass! Why you sat there and continued to let multiple people do this is absurd. Ydi for not having balls to Stand up for your self.

austinkiser 3

Balls are fragile which is opposite of what u mean so u should say "ydi for not having a ****** for..." (Since they take a pounding) ;)

austinkiser 3

Reread and tell that again....

fat chicks dont deserve the right to speak

Um, so tell them to screw off? Sorry, but I don't care if you're in gradeschool or college, if sexual harassment is involved then you should ask to be moved. No teacher will say no to that. Stick up for yourself op.

perdix 29

Actually, she should email the teacher repeatedly to make a record of her complaint. If the harassment doesn't stop, she can sue the school board. Sometimes, the legal system can be used to make something right.

Killerturtle 11

105- Sexual harassment in the slightest form is still sexual harassment

Church_boy 0

U should have bitch slap there ass and throw them out the window :)

NoNotTheFace 8

They were probably doing it to all the girls during different classes. It's a boob test. Not to see if they're real, but to see how far the broken pencils bounce back. If they were doing it to you throughout the whole class, it probably means that they were amazed at the distance the pencils covered when bouncing back.. Take it as a compliment OP.

Throw pencils at their dicks to see if they have any.

I didn't know they did math already in Kindergarten... Nor that the girls grew boobs that early on... Or are you the teacher?

Tell them to stop. And be scary about it. Problem solved.