By hellokitty133 - 30/09/2011 01:56 - United States

Today, the boys who sit at my math table decided it would be funny to throw broken pencils at my boobs to see if they were real. They did this the entire class period. I have to work with this group for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 003
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick em in the nuts and see if they're real.

Tell them that's the closest they'll ever get to ****.


Thanks for setting sexual harassment issues back 10 years by not reporting them.

fluered 4

You idiot. She isn't setting it back 10 years, it is still like this across the entire planet on a daily basis. You know what will probably happen when she eventually does report it? Nothing, the teacher will most likely say, "boys will be boys." Goddam, think about how stupid you sound.

oh yes #44, focus your sexual harassment case on a insecure teenage girl's fml than the whole god damned western civilized world. This still happens in the workplace by people, but thank's for telling a teenager (who could have issues) they're setting sexual harassment issues back 10 years, than looking anywhere beyond school. I swear, why when it happens to teens, we are nagged and insulted by it...

punkin_26 16

Way to go #44. Blame the victim

tina1213 0

U shoulda hit their balls to !! Or maybe get moved to another group ? Btw r they real ?

TheHolyLama 0

so did they expect them to deflate from the sharpness?

Joshoa123 16

People are so strange.. If you are THAT curious that it makes you throw pencils at them, you should just ask.

Alright so you're telling me you would go up to a girl and say "Hey, are those **** fake or real?" like that just out of nowhere. It's like a girl asking "Excuse me sir, may I know the length of your penis?" This is absurd....

Joshoa123 16

compared to being immature and throwing pencil bits at her ****? yeah totally absurd..

jobsman99 0

You just need to tell them to stop. I know it's tough when you are the first girl in 8th grade with big boobs. My skinny sister got 36E boobs in 8th grade and all the boys did stuff like this, grabbed her boobs all the time and she got the nickname "50" for her bust size. Just have them stop and not let them do that. That's what my younger Sis did.

I remember being stupid and immature,(still am) but that's just being assholes. Either talk to your teacher to have you moved or tell them off. There is no reason to put up with that.

Looks like you got to reveal it to them. Perhaps they will shut their mouths.

Alright, so let me come throw pencils at your boobs. Then let me feel them so I'll stop. Letting me touch them will only make me throw more pencils at you, for the reward of boob-touching.

Like I've said before turn your bra size into a equation and they'll probably stop, or you can tell them they're real