By left alone - 29/08/2016 12:46 - United States - Schenectady

Today, the client that hired us for cleaning cancelled her contract because I was seen "holding a broom backwards." I'm left-handed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 448
You deserved it 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL. What a moron to think that. You should've demonstrated the 'correct' way by whopping her over the head with it. It's a tough world for us lefties out there!

what the hell did she care, as long as the floor got swept?


The only thing backwards about this FML is the client that cancelled the service.

I'm with ya there, I'm always getting made fun of for being left handed, I work in a kitchen and my co-workers constantly harass me because everything I do looks wrong because I'm not using my right hand, lol

CliffyB03 28

How the **** do you hold a broom backwards? It's identical on each side.

Hi OP here! Just wanted to follow up to say that revenge is sweet. We spoke with the company lawyer, and apparently since one of the things we did was replace and repaint siding, we were able to put a lien on the house. It's always so satisfying when someone like that gets what they deserve!

But... there isn't a wrong way to hold a broom? You alternate when you have to get into different spaces or when your grip one way gets tense, so you switch to start fresh again. It doesn't make any sense why you'd get fired for that. >.<

healthcarechick 9

Good! I wouldn't want to work for those snooty stuck up assholes anyways! Guess they'll just have to clean their own damn house! Bastards!!!!

Wouldn't holding a broom backwards be gripping the bristles and sweeping with the handle?