By pleasestop - 01/05/2014 02:13 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, the family in the apartment next to me decided to give their 4-year-old kid a recorder. It's been three hours. Kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 711
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you try asking them to stop? or get noise cancelling headphones?

I feel your pain, it was like that with me for a while; recorders are evil devices that cause people to punch you in the face if you play one


Ear plugs are one of the best inventions...for now it might be bad but for school it might not be to bad

I feel your pain, hope it gets better!

Complain to them or the building owner?

I wouldn't be able to stand it. I'm very sensitive to all kinds of noise and I'm very lucky to be living in an apartment building where people no longer play loud music where the walls are pulsating from the bass, or sound like they're trying to body-slam themselves into the floor above late at night. I had bad anxiety and depression and everyone seemed to think I was the bad guy for complaining.

I can relate to this. Noise is irritating, especially unnecessary ones. Just talk to the parents. If it doesn't work,retaliate.

Damn how thin are the walls in your apartment complex that you can hear a recorder?

This FML is giving me flashbacks to my first apartment. neighbor to one side gave her 10 y/o son a drum set for xmas, the same day the neighbors on the other side gave their 6 y/o daughter a kids' karaoke machine. I can still hear the migraine-inducing combination of feedback-laden off-key Yanni and random snare drum hits and cymbal crashes. The horror... the horror.

I feel for you OP, I hate it when neighbours are inconsiderate. I've always made an effort to apologise in advance if i knew my flat/house would be noisy and give a contact number if it got too loud. The parents should do the same, a simple my child now has a recorder, tell me if it gets annoying.

Then they could start a jamming session and then even satan himself would complain!