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By no thanks - 24/04/2018 00:54

Today, the father of one of my music students asked me out to dinner via my work e-mail. I thought it was kind of sweet, albeit a little strange, until I got his daughter's instrument rental check, with both his and his wife's name printed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 034
You deserved it 633

Raemel tells us more.

Raemel 2

OP here. While I definitely wouldn't have accepted, as it might make things weird for my student (who is only 11 btw for whoever thought I should ask her if her parents are together), he is definitely still married, as I asked him. According to him, they are separated, which I'm sure is not fun, but I live in a small town and I'm sure I would be fired were I to date a married person. I explained that to him and he suggested going on a date out of town to "protect" me and all the red flags went up. Next parent teacher conferences are probably going to be a little weird.

Top comments

Checks last forever these days! Could easily be an ex-wife or soon-to-be ex wife. My checks still have the address of my apartment from 3 apartments ago. If the account number is the same, might as well use them up!

Sternenkrieger 0

Maybe he wants you to play......second fiddle


zeffra13 31

Are you sure it was his wife & not ex-wife? Though if she signed with the same last name as him, she's at least not an ex yet.

unless the Wan applies a name change request, her name remains her husband's after the divorce.

Getting divorced (or married) doesn't automatically change your last name, you know. A lot of divorced women choose to keep their married name if they have children--my mother included--so that they continue to "match" as a family. It's less stressful bureaucratically.

Checks last forever these days! Could easily be an ex-wife or soon-to-be ex wife. My checks still have the address of my apartment from 3 apartments ago. If the account number is the same, might as well use them up!

You aren't supposed to keep checks that have an ex-spouses name on it once you are in the "separating finances" portion of a divorce. The other person on the check can sign for them and most places won't check permissions on the account.

bonehead69 15

could be an ex.. just call the house and ask for her.. If she answers ya know for sure

check boxes are so expensive. mine still have my maiden name and I was married nearly 8 yrs ago. as a single dad, spending $$$ to change it, probably isn't worth it.

I do not understand this. Maiden name, but you’re a single dad now?

I think they are refering to the story at that point

Ishvah 15

men can change their last name when they get married. not just women. at least where I live that is case.

Sometimes the husband will take the wife's name, it's obviously not traditional but still happens occasionally. My brother in law took my sister's name when they married, largely because she was more attached to her name than he was to his (his is common, whereas we are the only family with our surname in this country).

Sternenkrieger 0

Maybe he wants you to play......second fiddle

just ask the student if her parents are still together. solved.

What if him and his ex wife have a joint account where they deposit money to cover the child's shared expenses? you should just ask him

It's not really a great idea to date a student's parent either way... that could really mess up your life if the wrong person finds offense and accuses you of something (favoritism, inappropriate behavior, etc.)

Maybe he's divorced and still has checks left over. Or not. In that case, ... threesome?