By Fuckit - 28/05/2011 05:51 - United States

Today, the girl I love made me text my best friend how much she loved him. This because her phone died. I was at the movies with her on our date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 487
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

also I think the word 'love' is used very loosely these days... there isn't love at first sight... there is lust and passion but love comes from a mutual respect for each other and ur time together, lust slowly grows into love... sorry just my opinion :)


Osito2011 9

op sounds like it really wasn't a date. did she agree that it was a date or did you ask her to the moves a friends

******** y did u text dude u should of told the bitch to kick rocks **** that love bullshyt

are you sure it was a date? ... neh didn't think so either.

"Made me"? Wow, so the girl you "love" forced you to tell your friend that she loves him? Then I guess it's true that the word love is used way too much and has lost it's meaning. A girl that cruel doesn't seem lovable. You may have meant lust instead...

Danielt104 6

Wow..I'm going through something like this now...I feel betrayed by best friend who I kind of hate now and depressed

conman531 23

Maybe its a different kind of love. Friendly love, except its a boy and a girl. I love my friend who is a girl. I'm not dating her, though I would date her if she'd liked to.

my recent ex would leave her phone in the car because she didn't want me to see it.. her excuse "it's rude to txt on a date" hah she dumped me I've a txt on a date with someone else..