By Fuckit - 28/05/2011 05:51 - United States

Today, the girl I love made me text my best friend how much she loved him. This because her phone died. I was at the movies with her on our date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 487
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

also I think the word 'love' is used very loosely these days... there isn't love at first sight... there is lust and passion but love comes from a mutual respect for each other and ur time together, lust slowly grows into love... sorry just my opinion :)


I'm thinking you're the only one that thought it was a date.

CleanseTheKraken 0

Did she know it was a date?

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for you being such a tool. quit being such a sucker dude

gandhislayer 6

"Hi, my name is John and I fall in love too easily." "Hi John." lol

sounds like she thinks you are just friends and I bet she had no clue it was a date.

If I were you, I'd just leave her. Also, time to move on.

Should have told her to **** off and left her in the cinema.

structuredchaoz 4

You should have texted him to come give her a ride home and left.