By Anonymous - 28/03/2014 19:23 - United States - Bloomfield Hills

Today, the girl I've been dating dumped me after she found out I'm originally from Alabama. Apparently she doesn't want to date someone from a "foreign country". We both live in Michigan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 683
You deserved it 4 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Move back to Alabama. I'll bet even there you'll find someone more educated than that.


As someone who has lived in Alabama, I can see her point. It felt like a foreign country to me.

Well, you probably don't wanna date her anyway then.

ellielikesjelly 6

I apologize for that OP. I being a girl from Michigan.

I'm from Michigan (: but I live in Mississippi now.

You're better off without her. She must be an idiot.

Luckily you found out BEFORE she had to learn your native language or even worse had to decide of she was going to convert to Alabamism.

isnobodyhere 32

Do you really want to date a girl who doesn't even know the states?