By played - 21/06/2011 05:07 - Norway

Today, the girl I've been dating for several months, and fallen in love with, said "We're just friends, right? My mom thinks I'm leading you on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 935
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"My mom thinks." She knows what she's doing. Blow her off without so much as goodbye. Manipulative...


wow, this is almost exactly what is happening to me, I feel your pain

you should've said "no ******* shit Sherlock!"

FMS23 0

bro call her a$$ up and be like yo is this the pharmacy I need some condoms. when she goes no this is ____ be like dam sorry wrong number. she's going to ask WTF do u need condoms for. be like I'm f!cking your bestfriend beotch

allthatremains25 0

then are you sure you were "dating her?"

oh man.. its alright. we've all been there:( i'm actually still getting over the same situation

I guess she wasn't informed that you guys were daring...

ouch :( omg thats terrible. someday when youre married to someone who will love u right, shes gonna realize what shes missing out on. youre gonna be laughing when u find someone who loves u just as much as u love them. she doesnt deserve you, and shes pree damn immature to act like shes innocent.