By played - 21/06/2011 05:07 - Norway

Today, the girl I've been dating for several months, and fallen in love with, said "We're just friends, right? My mom thinks I'm leading you on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 935
You deserved it 4 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"My mom thinks." She knows what she's doing. Blow her off without so much as goodbye. Manipulative...


i wouldn't even say anything and just stop "dating" her

dude she's totally not worth your time.. I'd look elsewhere..

gtmustanggirl18 0
FuckIt2010 3

dude just say yeah you two are friends cuss ya gurl would kill you if yall were more if she wants to play mind games with you play back make her think you dont give a ****

isabel22 0

The mom say nah don't believe her you just got to move on dude

now's the time to ask for some break up pity sex. then when she isnt careful ram it up the bitch's a***

22cute 17

Sad but yes, the way to ensure a female knows you are dating her is to: A) ask her out on dates (I.e."Can I take you to dinner/movie/etc one day this weekend?") B) pay her way This system did not develop to make men pay nor to make women subordinate. It simply ensures that both understand that THIS IS A DATE and not just friends hanging out together.

I go out to the movies and for meals with my best guy friend all the time, and he offers to pay for me too, but we're not dating. Or if we are, then he's cheating on me with his fiance and must be dating all the other friends he goes to movies and dinner with too. How about, in order to figure out if you are dating, you ask her if you're dating? Honestly, even if my guy friend was single and kissed me one day I'd still assume we were just friends with benefits until it was clarified. Maybe that's what she thought?

Regardless of what you guys were doing, as I happen to know regularly kissing doesn't necessarily equal a relationship, it's good to clarify the relationship perhaps a month in or so. I feel for you though, this exact same thing happened to me, though over a much longer time, of say two years. Though in my defense the kissing started towards the last couple of months and I though that started my relationship with my "friend who I really liked."

liy223 6

wow... I'm a girl and even I agree that we can be cold hearted some times. sorry op.