By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.


somethingnew319 0

6 years? nxt time u like sum1 dnt wait 6 years jus go for her

Whisper_Says_Ku 0

Aww that sucks. She sounds like a bitch and she doesn't deserve you.

Flutist 3

Whisper, how do we know she is at fault. HE might offer to DO everything for her. While that might sound nice, "Wow a guy who does stuff and is nice she must be a bitch" it probably would get annoying. Especially if Op is the type of guy who invites himself over to fix her dinner when she has a date. It sounds like Op is passive aggressive or a pussy. I don't think you have a right to call the girl a bitch. She has a right to be uninterested and six years is a long time not to get the hint.

ydi for not telling her after six years. also apparently you feelings were not so secret.

you're not to good at keeping it a secret. I think you creeped her out....just a little bit

day_dreamer123 0

I'm sorry I can understand that this hurts but six years is a long time and you need to move on. Now I don't know if this girl is a "bitch" or not because I am currently in a situation where this guy does nice little things for me and it's creepy (I'll give you an example when I'm don) even though I don't think he means it. It also gets annoying because you feel like a bitch for turning that person down. Okay! So it's nice when a guy drops off your favorite food and soup at your doorstep when your sick...but creepy when he asks you to open the door and says "your in your living room anyways" when the tv was turned off and you were just napping on the couch.

leadrunner751 3
Ultimate_Cynic 0

Haha, you should have ignored her and treated her like shit instead. Then she'd have been all over you.

persistance is usually the mark of champions! but damn, why do nice things for her for that long when she dont do them back, fuuuck dude. read a book called the game and re-evaluate your stance!

well it's sweet u waited for her but really 6 years is wayyy to long. girls don't like too nice guys.

starberries 0

That has nothing to do with being nice. He's a ******* pussy and a creeper.