By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.


deviliciousv4 0

6 years? move on. she's not worth it.

ndiesal 0

Six years? C'mon, man! Either: A. She tried to let you down easy, and you weren't picking up on it. At some point, you should have. However, she should've said this a long time ago. Some girls do this kind of thing to avoid hurting the guy, but in reality it often keeps the guy hanging around, and creates more hassle and pain than it would have if they had just been straight early on. But to hang around for 6 years - the problem lies within you, not her. B. You are a creeper and should seek professional help. I'm not going to make the judgment on which of these is the case. It doesn't matter, either way, YDI.

I think it's your fault for not telling her exactly how you feel...6 years is just way too long.

I think it's your fault for not telling her exactly how you feel...6 years is just way too long.

Its a harsh reality, but do as she says you will be better off!!!

Today, this on-again/off-again "friend" of mine finally creeped me out. I've been able to get cool stuff from him for SIX YEARS without him ever catching on that I'm just using him, but it finally got to be too much pushing him away, but not too far. Besides, my fiancee of two years was starting to think that I was hooking up with him (ewwwwwwww!).

ironhulk_fml 0

well you better off that way right at least now u know what she feels for ya

And yet further proof that guys are only nice to you when they want to get into your pants.

shes not worth it = =...obviously?? why does ur life suck...