By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.


YDI "Secret"? I think it wasn't a secret so much as you thought. I wager you were creepy and stalkerish. You should have just told her from the beginning, and saved you AND her a lot of hassle. I recommend this site for "so-called nice guys". What a creeper you are.

Rabbity 0

I have been the girl in this type of situation. I was acquaintances with a guy who apparently secretly, madly loved me (he told me this later). I started to pick up that he liked me and I'd let him down gently. I even got a boyfriend (not because of this guy but it should have been pretty clear that I wasn't going to date him after that). Well this guy started doing all those "nice things" like sending flowers and presents constantly, showing up to my dorm any time he was free, and pretty much obsessing over me. It was scaring me, my friends, and my boyfriend. Finally I had to tell him off by yelling at him because it was the only thing that worked. So yeah, OP. You're probably like that guy. YDI.

Obviously, you're a creeper. Stop being a creeper.

justmyluck1212 0

Haha. I know this really creepy nice guy that I wish I had the balls to say that too. FYL

Thoureau 0

Wow, and I thought I was cowardly because I waited 6 months after I developed a crush for this one girl to ask her to go to Homecoming with me. I mean, six years? I don't think anyone would even need one year to make a move on someone. As for everyone saying that he's creepy, I think you're half-right because the post doesn't allude to them being friends, and since this has apparently been going on for 6 years, he should've at least tried to talk to her and make friends with her to gauge whether she was at least interested in being friends.

You heard the woman. Be thankful she hasn't gotten a restraining order on you.

FUmissdaisy 0

ha girls are bitches... treat them all like shit and they'll be all ova ur diick!!

tennisaddict5393 0

sounds like a deserve better

mina_8 0

Maybe she doesn't like you and feels uncomfortable because your secret love is probably not as secret as you think it is. You can't make her love you.