By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 02:11 - Israel

Today, the girl who I was in love with for almost seven years listed me on facebook as her "Brother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 026
You deserved it 6 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissGrinch 4

"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have."

squirell_AIDS69 0


So? Theres a lot of people who are originally listed as siblings on fb but still end up with a strong relationship.

ssoccerchick97 16

You've been in love with her for 7 years, and you haven't told her??

blustaller 0

your my sister your my sister oh God your my sister you can say as she's riding you

im with #225, u shoulda come clean at this point. shit like that is never good keeping it to yourself

04282012 0

Maybe you should have manned up before and told her how you felt. YDI.

Wait isn't that good.... It sounds like she considers you close! I'd be happy

Would you f*ck your brother? No? Good, neither would OP's crush because OP reminds her of a brother.

BBoxall 0

Let us have a moment of silence for our brother in the friend zone.