By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 02:11 - Israel

Today, the girl who I was in love with for almost seven years listed me on facebook as her "Brother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 026
You deserved it 6 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissGrinch 4

"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have."

squirell_AIDS69 0


beanerboy707 0

me too... except she calls me her cousin

vixon 0

shulda made a move earlier..!!

KiDtastrophy28 0

u idiots it jus means she looks as him like a brother !! they aren't really related !!!! andd OP YDI for not expressing ur feelinqs to a qurl u've been in loovee with for nearly a decade !!! FYL !

I know people who add someone as their brother/sister but sometimes it means that they may like you a little bit, it doesnt always mean that they view you like a brother/sister. Take my word for it.

hahahaha got stuck in the friend zone lol :P

ManaUser 0

I'm confused by the phrasing here. OP says he "was" in love with her for 7 years. Does that mean she's his ex? If so thinking of him like a brother doesn't sound too bad. Or does it mean OP thinks calling him brother was such a grievous slight that he doesn't love her anymore?

you loose. just tell her you like her already! good god, people these days.

samanthar 0

try to add her as girlfriend and see what happends