By anonymous - 12/08/2010 04:31 - United States

Today, the girl who tormented my life for nine years was hired at my part-time job. We're assigned to work together on a three-month-long project which will involve tons of communication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 771
You deserved it 3 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way your ever going to put that torment behind you is to be the bigger person and just do your job. Don't be nice or social with her. Just be professional and curt. If that pisses her off so she makes a big scene well thats all the sweeter. ;-) And if she continues to torment you then hello HR complaint time.

singer4life666 0

Why don't you be polite and see how she responds. If she's a bitch still, then just punch her in the throat. Simple.


Hold a grudge much? It seems like the perfect time to make a truce... who knows, you might like each other.

There's a huge difference between holding a grudge and establishing safe boundaries for yourself. She has to be professional and work with this person; she doesn't have to open herself up to further harm by having any sort of personal relationship.

You* Could* Haha I'm so sorry): But that just bothers me a ton.

It could be that she's sorry about what she did. Unknown, but not impossible. This is a new setting, new terrain, and you have to assume that she's eager to succeed. I suspect if you don't start any trouble, there won't be any. BTW, you work with her, period. That's all you have to do. You don't have to like her, and you don't have to go to lunch with her. That's it. So keep it professional, and I doubt there will be any problem.

RedPillSucks 31

hump her leg. That'll establish your dominance.

sallen0046 4

It's three months, not the rest of your life. You're obviously not a child, learn to stand up for yourself. You don't have to like each other, you don't have to be friends. Complete your task and move on with your life.

Don't worry OP, this sounds like one of those situations that end up with you doing the chick up the butt.