By Anonymous - 13/02/2013 11:47 - United Kingdom - Stevenston

Today, the guy I like and his friend came home with me to work on a project. I opened my front door and my mum was at the top of the stairs completely naked, bent over, drying her hair with the hairdryer. It took a few moments for her to realise we were there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 310
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arexis 6

You should introduce your mom to clothes ... FYL


erockinthesuburb 17

Now he knows what you'll look like when you're older :)

laya_fml 26

And none of you thought to say anything or get her attention?

It's pretty hard to get someone's attention with a hairdryer on, and all of their hair flipped over so they can't see.

And to add on to 40 it says that it took a few moments for her to notice so they were probably too shocked to say anything in those few moments.

jab7769 8

So no one asked if the project was a mfm sand which ??

Was one of your friends named Mike? Did he have a Nickel? If so you should be worried. (If you get this reference it will make my day!)

Perhaps you should have told your mum you were bringing mates home.

lol. well she just likes being nude. bent over she would be scrunching her hair