By Anonymous - 13/02/2013 11:47 - United Kingdom - Stevenston

Today, the guy I like and his friend came home with me to work on a project. I opened my front door and my mum was at the top of the stairs completely naked, bent over, drying her hair with the hairdryer. It took a few moments for her to realise we were there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 310
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arexis 6

You should introduce your mom to clothes ... FYL


Blow drying the hair on her head I'm hoping O_o

patacus 14

every time I see mum in an fml the voice in my head gets a british accent. ^_^

Well, on the bright side, they aren't likely to forget you any time soon.

SmilingMonsterCB 4

And no one thought to let her know for that long??? If it was me, I wouldn't have just stood there, I would have been yelling! Both at mom to get her attention that people were in the house and for the boys to get the fnck out. I feel worse for the mom than OP (and the guys, too...)

Don't worry, this happens to me all the time, hopefully your friends can understand!

TheElBurrrito 21

All the time, huh? So, you often bring home the guy you like, and his friend, to your mom fully nude? ...... Sounds like a good time.