By Caligirl1996 - 09/06/2015 06:10 - United States - Long Beach

Today, the guy I made cookies for, spent hours getting ready for, and drove 3 hours in traffic to see never actually wanted me to come. When I knocked on his door, he opened it, but immediately closed it in my face. He then texted me saying, "I met someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 438
You deserved it 3 148

Caligirl1996 tells us more.

OP here. Yes, there is more to the situation that I could not explain with so few characters. Him and I go to college together, and we have been dating for close to three months. I left for summer, but he stayed on campus because he is taking a summer course; therefore, we talked about me coming to his dorm, on our campus, for a visit because we missed each other. I do admit that I should have recognized that he was not mature enough to maintain a long distance relationship but we all make mistakes right?

Top comments

Honestly, I'm sorry you had to drive all the way there but **** him. He didn't even had the balls to tell you directly. Find someone who treats you better OP.


No balls? No cookies! - him No losers! No regrets! You

Well you don't need to waste your time with someone like that.

Ended it with a text? How childish...well now you have some cookies for you to enjoy and maybe a few friends as well

Obviously he is a waste of space and your time. You'll make the right person very happy one day from the sounds of it OP. You deserve better!

He doesn't deserve cookies and he obviously doesn't deserve you.

TypeOneDiabetic 4

If you're sharing cookies, I'll take one! In return we can talk about what a jackass that guy is until you're over him. Sound good?

OP here. Hahaha thank you for making me laugh at a time when I'd rather cry. I am happy there are still good people out there who genuinely care for others.

What a spineless, dickless wonder...