By Caligirl1996 - 09/06/2015 06:10 - United States - Long Beach

Today, the guy I made cookies for, spent hours getting ready for, and drove 3 hours in traffic to see never actually wanted me to come. When I knocked on his door, he opened it, but immediately closed it in my face. He then texted me saying, "I met someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 438
You deserved it 3 148

Caligirl1996 tells us more.

OP here. Yes, there is more to the situation that I could not explain with so few characters. Him and I go to college together, and we have been dating for close to three months. I left for summer, but he stayed on campus because he is taking a summer course; therefore, we talked about me coming to his dorm, on our campus, for a visit because we missed each other. I do admit that I should have recognized that he was not mature enough to maintain a long distance relationship but we all make mistakes right?

Top comments

Honestly, I'm sorry you had to drive all the way there but **** him. He didn't even had the balls to tell you directly. Find someone who treats you better OP.


Wtf? People like this really get my blood boiling. No respect at all. Pitiful

sahmnc420 13

Piss on the cookies and leave me on the door step! People are such pussys now days! Texting has made it so much easier to be a douch

myoukei 31

Did you invite yourself over in the first place? As someone who just got out of a relationship with someone that obsessive, i see his point and feel that there's a little ydi in this for not picking up signals. As someone who can't stand spineless people or cheaters, fyl.

What, may I ask, is giving you the impression that the OP is obsessive? She just made cookies and got stuck in traffic on the way to delivering them. And maybe there weren't really signals for her to pick up on. You don't know what this guy is like.

He is the worst and the most horrible person.. Sorry OP

How the hell does a guy like this get such a amazing girl like OP to do all of this stuff for him??

Where do you live at? I'll drive over there and eat with you girl. That's really low for a guy to do that.

I hope he's just a jerk,and your not crazy.Move on,it hurts now but in a few weeks he should be in the back of our mind.I'm certain you have more important things to be worried about.3 hours spent on chilling at home,going to the gym,taking an adventure (go to park lol or something like a concert),hanging with friends,etc.There is so much more you can do that isn't centered around a guy.Good luck ,OP.

ezrajab 22

That's all kinds of messed up! Sorry op

Just as a comeback try to find out who he met and do nothing but write this story to her. If she is half a decent human as you are she will dump him for good... Or you can eat the cookies, watch a said romantic movie, cry a little bit then get up in the morning because the world is full of assholes. You just need to find the ones who are less so then others.

Well, so much for him, sounds like he's a real piece of work. Good that you discovered that sooner than later. And, hey, the upside? You have a snack for the way back.