By Anonymous. - 31/12/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, the guy I've been texting told me he loved me and he couldn't wait to make me his wife, and he couldn't wait for us to have kids and grow old together. I've only known him for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 620
You deserved it 5 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loooooooooool_fml 1

Looks like that guy has known you for more than 3 days..

lynzykins 0

Some people have to wait years for their partner to say something like this. Count yourself lucky... and then change your number.


dangletsbang21 0

dump him and change your name :)

Your name by any chance zeinab from Michigan

I had a guy give me the "You complete me" slimy smarm from that stupid Tom Cruise movie at the end of our second (and last) date. The "****-off" e-mail I sent him left scorch marks on the inside of my monitor. Ditch the creep, do it hard, and be as vicious as you want to be.

alondra_bieber 0

wait how the heck is this an fml this is more like a wtf is up with this guy lol

No1likesMe 0
No1likesMe 0

oh or maybe he was dared to do it

kiah101 0

damn...i agree with number 51 id like to try it with him sounds like he knos about

kiah101 0

and how is this fml thats totaly great have fun b a teenager

Typical. >.< Men are so terrible. They never wanna commit. Oh he wants to commit? Im terrified. He's hiding something, maybe he's in the mafia.