By Anonymous. - 31/12/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, the guy I've been texting told me he loved me and he couldn't wait to make me his wife, and he couldn't wait for us to have kids and grow old together. I've only known him for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 620
You deserved it 5 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loooooooooool_fml 1

Looks like that guy has known you for more than 3 days..

lynzykins 0

Some people have to wait years for their partner to say something like this. Count yourself lucky... and then change your number.


We need like a special postable image on fmylife to post repeatedly in response to FMLs like this. One that just says, "RUN AWAY, NOW!!!" in 70pt bold letters, with a red background. Perhaps that blinks. This should be the one exception to text-only responses. Run. Away. Now. Run Run Run...

pigeonman98 0

haha tell him ur a lesbo and ur not interested :-) also; [|=C=R=A=Y=O=L=A=))>

alondra_bieber 0

Leave before he pulls the whole "ill kill myself...."

razz27 0

fine sorry ill stop texting you hahahaha.

agent47crows 0

Sounds like my future girlfriend's soon-to-be-ex.

ZeroCharisma 0

Ugh. Whatever happened to actually talking to people? This whole "texting as a substitute for having real relationships" thing is annoying as hell. I hope it dies in 2010.

Spiffidragon 0

Happy New Year! And sorry, but I doubt that will change.. :/ People are just so stupid, thinking texting can be a substitute for things like relationships... Ridiculous, really!

posingaddict103 0
myaddiction000 0

ok.. thats creepy but r u rly ready to condemn ur whole life for it?

lmao so true. some people are just creepy--it's not your fault you got mixed up with the wrong person! ignore them and move on :)

thecirclingskies 0

Don't underestimate the stalker. It's love.

1_5_6_2_3_ 0

hmm...he could have been drunk???