By Anonymous. - 31/12/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, the guy I've been texting told me he loved me and he couldn't wait to make me his wife, and he couldn't wait for us to have kids and grow old together. I've only known him for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 620
You deserved it 5 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loooooooooool_fml 1

Looks like that guy has known you for more than 3 days..

lynzykins 0

Some people have to wait years for their partner to say something like this. Count yourself lucky... and then change your number.


GiRIsMakingCupca 0

he luvs u and that's all that matters rite?...

I wonder if this (assuming it's even real) wasn't just a clever way for the guy to get out of having to continue texting someone he wasn't interested in at all. In other words, act as crazy as a loon to drive the OP away. Sounds like a clever, legitimate tactic to me. Neil

Tamara2011 0

haha sucks shouldn't talk to strangers or creepers watch out this one must be a stalker

cryssycakesx3 22

why does he "must be a stalker?"

capthavoc123 0

So you've known a guy for three days and you gave him your phone number? I have to say that you deserve every bit of this.

cryssycakesx3 22

people in bars have sex quicker than that. euch.

Awwww come on guys, give the poor dude a break! Sometimes you get so caught up in the way a girl has been texting you that you let it slip! Is that really so wrong? I feel for that guy from the bottom of me heart. Stay strong dude! You'll find someone eventually!

girlygirl666 0

Yeah! Listen to the creepy stalker....hahah

JakeH008 0

LMAO!!! He didn't like this chick so he came up with a perfect way to get her to stop talking to him.

did u meet him online? lol at least u know he's not gonna cheat on u

hahahaa, the same thing happened to me. but this loser kid moves all the way cross country to cali ( i didnt even know he did lol ). && then calls me out of the blue. i want to marry you i will mail you the ring. me - uhhh I dont like you at all. byee. Him - call you again tomorrow ? hes called me everyday for a week. i no longer answer. : ) && he's probably just some dumb kid who thinks girls want to hear that. but we really just think your a creeper.

Wtf. Are you this annoying in real life? Learn how to type properly before commenting -_- .