By Allenburg - 18/01/2009 01:38 - United States

Today, the guy I've had a crush on for a while called me and asked me over. I took a cab to his place and when I got there he was dressed in leather and wore a mask... It took me a 20 dollar cab fare to realize my crush is a freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 740
You deserved it 7 538

Same thing different taste

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That's kind of offensive, you calling the guy a freak. I dunno, maybe he thought you'd be into it and wanted to surprise you- some people like that, after all, so he was KIND of taking a chance with you. You could've just told him you're not into that kind of thing.


You should have at least stayed for an explanation.

Although that is kind of creepy, I would have found stuff like that out about him before I went to see him.

Well if he was trying to have sex with you, i'll just tell you that it's a scientific fact that people that do kinky stuff while having sex actually live longer.

I personally like that stuff, but i agree that you should date someone for a while before you do that. You are also extremely rude for calling him a freak. If you don't like that stuff, you shiukd have just said so.

darling, you shoulda know basics about your crush, before crushing somebody, and not just straightly thinks he is a freak. where the quote 'accepting people and their flaws'?

I'm not seeing a problem with this. I go to a chick's house and she got chains and stuff set up. well damn time to have some fun. just set your boundaries and tell him what you do and don't like.