By linzl00 - 06/12/2013 12:21 - United States - Springfield

Today, the "man cold" has infected my brother. He honestly thinks he's dying. He only has the sniffles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 142
You deserved it 3 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhcpgurl 18

Guys are usually like that. If men had periods, they'd check into the hospital for a week per month and drugged up on morphine.


the man cold is a serious thing and shouldn't be tooken lightly

Cheez_Mastah 10

It always starts with a sniffle...then it gets worse... If he thinks he is dying he is not a man at all...

You know there is a scientific theory that suggests men genuinely do get more ill than women do for these common illnesses, and as a result get over it quicker. The theory suggests that because men were the hunters they couldn't afford to be ill for weeks on end but women living at home could. So humans evolved in a way that means men get more ill than women, but for a shorter period. It has a number of look holes such as the fact that in some societies, women go/went out hunting as well. But it is still a theory. And, it hasn't been completely disproven...

That is bullshit in my opinion. Like stated, in a lot of tribes women also hunted quite often. Plus, he literally just has the sniffles. If only men got periods they would go nuts and kill themselves.

If men got periods, or if men would get pregnant, or if men could do anything extremely painful that only women can our bodies would be prepared for that, and we would experience it the same way as women do now. But really, if men would get pregnant, have periods and all that jazz, they'd technically just be women.

jarockstar27 10

What is up with men and acting like babies when they are sick? Seriously....

Haha women have to put up with so much shit on top of going through colds, pregnancy and the like. On top of that they usually still work/go to school and take care of the household duties, children and their husbands. Tell him to man up and take a ColdFX, he'll be just fine.

So what if guys act like babies when they get a cold. I enjoy taking care of my bf when he catches a cold, he doesn't have to do anything except get better. Sometimes people like to be taken care of when they're sick.

Well for starters, some men expect the women to do all the cooking cleaning and working while sick. Secondly, IT'S LITERALLY THE ******* SNIFFLES. Guys don't have to go through any pain except when they get kicked in the balls but that doesn't happen every month for 7 days along with other symptoms and having to push a watermelon out of a hole in their body.

I'm not talking about the sniffles compared to giving birth. When anyone is really sick who doesn't like to be taken are of? Most guys expect the work like that to be done yes, but thankfully I have a bf who doesn't think like that at all. That's why I have no problem taking care if him when he's sicker than "just the ******* sniffles".

My mother once told me that when my dad gets a cold he tries to do everything he normally does and ignore it, and she has to watch him and make sure he doesn't get really sick because he has lung problems.

My boyfriend does, I have to comfort him and lay with him. make him food, tell him to take medicine.