By contacts - 31/03/2013 07:00 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, the people fixing my phone called to say that for some reason, my phone's SIM card has wiped all my contacts except for four, and they are doing their best to try and recover the rest. I had to explain to them that I only had four contacts to begin with. The guy laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 616
You deserved it 5 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

So you only need to contact four people. Big whoop. For all he knows they could be the president, the pope, the Dalai lama and his mom.

You should have let them try to recover your contacts, and then feigned outrage when they couldn't. Would've made for a good hearty laugh.


Hey its alright, some people like to have just the people the talk to the most.

Contact 1: Papa Johns Contact 2: Chinese restaurant Contact 3: Mum Contact 4: Dad

savvymarie 8

my initial guess for the polls on this post was that it would be more "you deserved it" than" you're life sucks" but then I realized the majority of fmls frequent readers can probably empathize with this loser

at least your similar card wasn't really wiped out

bowtiemontecarlo 4

Hey I got over fifty friends on my phone and barely talk to three of them.

mantiquillas 2

Am i going to hell because i laughed? Ah **** it everyone i know and love will be there also! Haha

Don't stress it OP, not everyone is super extroverts in the world. I only have four contacts on my phone too, and one of them's my own number. I just don't need to talk to so many persons. (Mom, dad and boyfriend, FYI) Not a cellphone person, and I absolutely hate talking on the phone. Nothing to be ashamed of. :)

I know several people who don't save numbers to their phone. Sure, either they don't know how, or don't think they need to, but either way, not a big deal. On the other hand if you really do only have 4 people in your life to contact I send out a hug to you :( poor guy..