By Username - 15/07/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, the plant on my windowsill fell and landed in my face while I was napping. It's a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 202
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste


I hope you're not one of those people who sleeps with their eyes open.

And who was it that decided it as a good idea to sleep under a cactus? you. its your fault, your jist dumb.

samikitty961 8

some types of cacti are soft and fluffy you know. if you like to have cacti over your bed, maybe you should consider getting a more friendly one.

DrTexas 0

Try sleeoing next to a power plant. it's safer!

New definitions 2 the phrases "super poke" and "holier then thou"

koolman222 0

well, move the catus and ydi

tcrunit 0

damn your cactus attacked you