By Username - 15/07/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, the plant on my windowsill fell and landed in my face while I was napping. It's a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 202
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste


Bubble14 0

oh that sucks, but when I first read this I though it said windmill, and I was like why where you sleeping under a windmill and why is there a cactus on it....then I re read it lol and realized it wasn't windmill

xavier1623 4

Sounds like a thorny situation.

tattedNpierced 0

one hell of a wake up call. better than an alarm clock for sure.

deadbabyjesus 2

wow that is hilarious. for me not you. did someone do it to you is the question. things don't fall for no reason now do they?

beccerz 6

that has happened to me too, it's not very pleasant

beccerz 6

I think it was trying to Facebook you :P

Nature attacks! That's happened to me too, except I was a little kid and it was a 5-foot tall cactus landing on my head. It was rather traumatic.

Mf2307 15

all i can say is ouch and that had to wake you up