By Username - 15/07/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, the plant on my windowsill fell and landed in my face while I was napping. It's a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 202
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste


fk123 0

I'm sorry I read this and I laughed so hard

i_love_cashew15 0

why were You sleeping under ur window sill? xD

i_love_cashew15 0

why were You sleeping under ur window sill? xD

PandaPandy 6

Why? Why do you have a cactus right over you when you know if anything were to bump it, it would drop on your face?

Umm either you have a really low bed, or a really high window.

Did a pet push it? Or was it a ghost? Otherwise I'm confused as to how it just randomly fell.