By Username - 15/07/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, the plant on my windowsill fell and landed in my face while I was napping. It's a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 202
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste


Iriz 0

ouch... but why would you have a cactus right above your head when you sleep... not a smart idea, leasson learned hopefully...

Gidget9221 0

lmao! when I was in first grade I knocked over an entire book shelf of cacti my teacher kept in the classroom. it hurts like a bitch.

What kind of first grade teacher keeps an entire bookshelf of cacti in her classroom?

why would you have a cactus above your head? oh... Peyote... nevermind.

iTransform 8

Guess your five o' clock shadow came full force huh Mr. Prickly?

kewlkelsey 5

I'm sorry, but this made me laugh when i got to reading "It's a cactus"... but still that sounds like it would hurt ALOT!! I'm sorry bro.

how can it fall on your face oh no Where you napping under the windowsill again?

kkspears 0

ouch....I hope tou learn from your mistake