By devakii - 16/10/2009 17:27 - United States

Today, the power went out at work. As everyone left the building to go home, the owner came in to inform me that, since the phones were on a battery back up, I would be staying to man them. The phones rang 2 times in the 4 hours I sat in the dark by myself. Both times were telemarketers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 250
You deserved it 2 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, in the dark? I would've made a giant blanket fort or something of that caliber.

Getting paid to do next to nothing for four hours... I could think of worse things than boredom.


Lol, this is the opportune moment to do something silly, and then get caught. That would be an interesting FML.

Not sure why you're complaining. You got paid to do nothing. That's awesome.

I worked a job where we had to work when the power was out. Most of our calls got routed to another area of the country. We sat there for 8 hours hanging out, talking and playing with our cell phones. I enjoyed the crap out of getting paid to do that.

You got paid to sit at work and do nothing, be happy!

I don't think that's legal in the United States. Most insurance companies will not cover liability for incidents that occur in a building with no power. Your boss is a dick.

Interesting point! I haven't thought of that aspect of it.

YDI for not having fun ... you could have found ways to entertain yourself... your in a large empty building you could have built forts or rifle through peoples stuff and since theres no other sound in the building you would not have missed a single call . In my case i would have just slept there and hoped the boss didnt call to see if you were still there.

srak 0

learn to use commas properly!

PrinceTwilight17 0

It's called give him the finger and walk away...

This sort of sucks. But like everyone else has been saying, at least you got paid to do nothing. The only thing I can think of that would make this a true FML is if everyone got paid for the rest of the day anyway and you had to sit in the dark instead of getting paid to be at home, like everyone else. Also, you would think your boss would have had the computers on backup power too. Kind of stupid that he didn't. You should have screwed with the telemarketers when they called. My grandma used to screw with them before the national "do not call" thing. She'd start speaking in random accents or start asking them weird questions and confuse the crap out of them. Pretty funny stuff to listen to. =o) But this is one of the reasons I always bring a book with me regardless of where I'm going. You could have found a window to let some light in or a flashlight to read with. Hmm. Now that I think about it, I can think of plenty of ways you could have amused yourself while you were there for 4 hours.