By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France

Today, the Vuvuzela that my brother ordered online was delivered to our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 47

Top comments

tinybear93 0

CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.


heresy_smb 0

Oh, this is LOL, but really FML

Went to two world cup matches in SA, they aren't that annoying. Great atmosphere and fun to play :)

Doom_Shroom 0

Sigh, Piston, it's no use convincing people on the internet, as you can see, people do not try to understand or try to relate or try to enjoy. It's better to whine and complain. Maybe it makes them feel better. Who knows. They won't feel the joy of being around a mass of people just celebrating, having fun, all cultures and continents coming together and blowing the vuvuzela. In the crowd every sound is heard, people respond to each others tooting etc. So let them stew in their pessimism. They seem to enjoy it.

Doom_Shroom 0

Ok, ok I will try to understand your butthurt. I watch the games on t.v too by the way. So I know what I'm talking about when I say it's not that terrible of a noise that you can't watch it. Really, with all the stuff that's going on on the field, the noise comes secondary. But since you're that sensitive, it must suck then. Sorry D:

Doom_Shroom 0

I understand but there are just as many people purchasing them overseas :( The vuvuzela is just one of those things that you either hate or love.

Bellziwellzi 0

Ayoba! u got that ryt! u ppl just live with it! if u shout ull need 2 drink a LOT of water! But the Vuvuzela is SPECIAL! proudly South African product lol! yeah I agree, alone they´re annoying but in thze Stadium they create a great atmosphere, so stop acting like grannies and live with it! (btw. I live in SA)

Actually, vuvuzelas are made in China. Just like almost everything else :)

I LIVE in South Africa. So everywhere I go... school, shopping centers, restaurants, EVERYWHERE.... I hear them!!! :O But there is nothing wrong with them, it's just a thing you blow through and it makes a sound, you people sound like whining babies, but they are fun to annoy people, VUVUZELA FTW XD