By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France

Today, the Vuvuzela that my brother ordered online was delivered to our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 47

Top comments

tinybear93 0

CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.


it's not that bad! they're super cool, so just stop bitching!!!

Trixies100 0

I hate those things there so annoying, and it's not fun having one blown right in ur ear and losing ur hearing in that ear, I have great friends, and # 70 ur a retard thinkingvur so smart:D

um#115 **** u soccer is the best sport ever

lovelylew21 0

Yo soccer fans, Imma let you enjoy the game but BZZZZZZBZZBZZZZZZZZZZBZZZZZZBZZZZZZZZZZBZZZZBZZZZ!!!!!'

If you don't know what a vuvzela is - look it up! You're already on the internet! Holy crap!

for ppl that don't know what these are, ever watch a Fifa or any major soccer game and hear that constant buzzing sound? that sound is caused by plastic trumpets aka Vuvuzelas

106 u are soooo beautifull.. I live in SA.. and if i drive past a soccer match i have to wear my earplugs.. haha

I don't really see this as a fml just stupid