By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France

Today, the Vuvuzela that my brother ordered online was delivered to our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 47

Top comments

tinybear93 0

CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.


Hahahaha How can you don't like a Vuvuzela? Don't ban the vuvuzelas just ban Football!! xD

dude my friend has one and they are freaking sweet

movielove 2

I love how people are trying to be funny by telling you what to do to it. Get over it we all have to deal with annoying crap in our lives.

I hate them things !!! they really suck !

Roach83_fml 0

Man, im from south africa, n thats where Vuvuzela's originate from..............Ill tell ya, theyre damn annoying, especially during the world cup....heard those things none stop.....even at the early hours of the morning..........But, they do take sum skills to actually use em right!!

sarcdude 3

I dig the art style in the illustration.