By SeriouslyMakeItStop - 21/03/2014 11:09 - United States - Waco

Today, three days before I take my bar exam, the biggest exam of my life, I got my monthly. And I get to bring my belongings in a clear plastic bag so the world knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 299
You deserved it 9 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Don't let it distract you from doing well on the BAR.

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's still embarrassing. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to know you were on your period. Although it isn't new, it's still a personal matter.


Libbiey 6

Do you also wait until there's no one in the bathroom before you start peeing? You're wanting to be a lawyer, and your biggest worry is that someone will see you have a tampon..That's a little bit of a juvenile thing to worry about, don't you think?

I'm quite open about it. I used to tell my guy friends and bf's about it lol they didn't seem tare.

goliatron 9

Your "monthly?" Did Oprah rename it or something?

alkalinity 3

Funny 1x i got my period the day I went 2jail for 5 days. No tampons allowed & couldn't keep my extra underwear b/c not white. Got issued 1 pair of underwear, begged4another saying I bleed like a stuck pig.They give out pads, you have2go to the guard.Women made tampons by deconstructing the pad&rolling them.Showers were located directly beneath tv in the commons, can see ladies feet.1 woman was showering with a trash can between her legs. I didn't shower for 5 days. Good luck with the criminal justice system, it sucks worse than the tampon story.

you're still worried about people knowing you get your period? how old are you?

who cares your a woman its expected.....

There are little cute boxes you can put your 'monthly belongings' in.

jlnotary 33

You're an adult. Get over it. It's not like menstration is a disease or even unknown to both sexes.

fantastamazing 10

Well it's not gonna stop you. If it happens it happens. If people know, then who cares? You've got this. Rock it.