By itsellie27 - 30/04/2013 22:23 - United Kingdom - London

Today, through sheer luck, I got talking to an actor from the Harry Potter films who I've had a crush on since I was about ten. I tried to play it cool, and pretend I didn't know who he was. Then my phone rang, with the Harry Potter theme tune. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 187
You deserved it 46 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

57 - jokes on you, Neville is actually hot as shit now

Xatraris 38

Hagrid for sure. Everyone loves that hairy giant.


why yould you play it cool around an actor from Harry Potter? they're already cooler than you

Why is that an FML, you've just met an Harry Potter's actor ! Be glad :D

So? It's not a bad thing to like a movie they were in. Good luck!!! :) hopefully they didn't turn out to be a jerk!

tvsrockson 6

Bloody hell who could it have been.

finch01 18

you should have taken a hint trying to give him your number.u should thank your friend

OP, TELL US WHO IT WAS AND WHERE?! Hurry up and post!

Not FML!!!! You got to talk to a Harry Potter star!!! I would totally trade places with you right now!!! Why were you pretending not to know him?? Which one was it, anyway??!