By itsellie27 - 30/04/2013 22:23 - United Kingdom - London

Today, through sheer luck, I got talking to an actor from the Harry Potter films who I've had a crush on since I was about ten. I tried to play it cool, and pretend I didn't know who he was. Then my phone rang, with the Harry Potter theme tune. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 187
You deserved it 46 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

57 - jokes on you, Neville is actually hot as shit now

Xatraris 38

Hagrid for sure. Everyone loves that hairy giant.


sharibaby 6
skyeyez9 24

Oh for ***** sake OP!! Comment on your FML and tell us who it was!

fuckmylife518 15

WHICH ONE?!?!???????!!!!! *major Harry Potter fan here!! :D* PLEASE tell us!!!

Oh yeah don't tell us who OP, it's not like we wanted to know. We like guessing, That's cool. Thank you.

titibug823 11

Its nice that you tried to play it cool, but I dont think most actors mind when you say calmly "Oh my gosh! Its so nice to meet you! I am big fan!" In fact, most that I've met find it flattering.


how could you NOT tell us who it was?!

skyeyez9 24

Probably too embarrassed to admit it was that woman giant Hagrid danced with at the Yule Ball.

i'll never understand pretending not to know someone. surely it would have been better to say you're a big fan and get a photo? everyone's heard of Harry Potter time for an anecdote: when i met Pritchard and Dainton from Dirty Sanchez, the first time i was star struck and couldn't speak apart from to scream their names, and the second time i stopped them and politely asked for an autograph and photo. they seemed to prefer the second one more, im assuming because i was acting far more sane ^_^