By itsellie27 - 30/04/2013 22:23 - United Kingdom - London

Today, through sheer luck, I got talking to an actor from the Harry Potter films who I've had a crush on since I was about ten. I tried to play it cool, and pretend I didn't know who he was. Then my phone rang, with the Harry Potter theme tune. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 187
You deserved it 46 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

57 - jokes on you, Neville is actually hot as shit now

Xatraris 38

Hagrid for sure. Everyone loves that hairy giant.


mojobanks 8
catherinek 9

If you won't say who it was it's safe to assume this is fake. And it seems unlikely that you just so happen to be a huge Harry Potter fan and you just randomly got to meet one of them

Psycho_Babydoll 26

She might have been able to get away with it if the actor was a minor character in the series... and if it wasn't for those meddling kids.

Wrong series, I think... You want the one with the talking dog, not the wizards.

It could be worse, OP crush could be that ginger kid lol

The reason she didn't tell us who it was is because it was Snape.

aldwin_fml 7

That's whay you get for not being yourself. what a shame.