By itsellie27 - 30/04/2013 22:23 - United Kingdom - London

Today, through sheer luck, I got talking to an actor from the Harry Potter films who I've had a crush on since I was about ten. I tried to play it cool, and pretend I didn't know who he was. Then my phone rang, with the Harry Potter theme tune. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 187
You deserved it 46 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

57 - jokes on you, Neville is actually hot as shit now

Xatraris 38

Hagrid for sure. Everyone loves that hairy giant.


tardisangel 9

you pretended not to know them... you NEED to sort out your priorities

perdix 29

That's what you get for being so weaselly!

Eeveelution 8

Sounds like something that'd happen to me xD

I bet it was daniel radcliffe or rupert grint. Unlikely she had a crush on many others at age 10.

Who was it? Daniel Radcliffe? (He's mine btw) Tom Felton? Rupert Grint? Who?? WHO?!

I don't care that you had an embarrassing moment- YOU ARE SO LUCKY AND IM SO JEALOUS! *fan girl moment*

Why pretend not to know him ? I mean, he's an actor, it's not that weird to be famous