By RupeeLink - 27/07/2009 23:33 - United Kingdom

Today, to cheer my girlfriend up after her mother died a week ago, I took her to a comedy club. The comedian's theme for the night happened to be mother-daughter relationships. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 723
You deserved it 8 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A week is way too soon. She might forgive you for the comedian, but she may not forgive the not-too-subtle hint to cheer the **** up, already.


That's the best idea you could come up with? **** HER life.

Yeah, I know you meant well, but she probably just wants to grieve right now.. Better to give her a shoulder to cry on, then try cheering her up a bit later =]

A week is way too soon. She might forgive you for the comedian, but she may not forgive the not-too-subtle hint to cheer the **** up, already.

hellojessi 0

I agree. It was a nice gesture but it's only been a week, I mean no one should expect anything to suddenly make her happy.

Not necessarily. It might not have been an attempt to do that so much as a sweet attempt to make her a laugh a little that tragically backfired.

I hope you guys didn't stay there... But agreed- fck her life...

Oh, ouch! I think she will still appreciate you trying to cheer her up., providing you walked right out of the place.

Aw, sweet gesture though... Some people have never lost someone close to them so they don't know what to do when it does happen to someone close to them. :P