By gonkc - 04/03/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, to remind myself to write a check for my speech and debate team (Lynbrook Speech and Debate), I wrote "LSD money" on the back of my hand. The Vice Principal saw it, dragged me to the office, and called my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 851
You deserved it 15 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha yeah, I'm hoping you were able to explain yourself and get out of trouble. I mean, really, like someone would write a reminder for drug money on their hand... ok, it's probably happened, but still. haha

whattheeff 0

LMAO. what a weird coincedence ahah. i gotta admit, thats pretty funny, but I'm sure your principal would have been willing to let you explain yourself. Its not everyday that you find a debate team member that does LSD..


Taihen 0

LOL! That really sucks. Our speech and debate teams were all called Forensics (with a s, without the s it becomes science). Reminds me of American McGee's Alice, the Load, Save, Delete menu is run only by first letters (LSD). Good luck explaining yourself out! (and you should totally tell your coach you guys want LSD t-shrits now!)

abc3769610 0

#14, if the OP's hand was in his/her pants, nobody would be able to see the hand ;) Also, I'm apparently way too innocent. I had to repeat "LSD money" three times to myself before I got it

dude, i went to Leland High School and we almost got wrist bands that were multi-color swirl with the letters L.S.D on them. then the teacher noticed this was not quite right.

LOL... wait... is this Lynbrook High School in San Jose??? just curious

lynbrook sucks im not surprised at all!

DanceRox9008 0
whatev5297 0

then you are obviously not intelligent. is this the best lie you could come up with? the only way you could get attention was getting a fake post on some random blog? congrats ******* loser. and yes i am aware that im doing the same thing.

dude, actually most kids in speech and debate are just very innocent. very, very innocent. almost unbelievably innocent.

haha I'm WAS in speech and debate and I was the total opposite of innocent, but that's the reason I quite, the group I was in made me look like an ass...